over 4 years ago - Fatshark_Hedge - Direct link


Welcome to Patch 3.3 on PC. Whilst not gargantuan in size or number of fixes, it is a precursor to some fun stuff coming very soon! No more waffle, on to the notes.

Patch Notes

  • Added quick salvage button to gamepad UI.
  • Fixed 2 of the most common crashes.
  • Bots should now replenish ammo from Ammo Boxes with much more consistency.
  • Healing Potions should no longer be wasted if you’re hit right at the moment the potion is consumed.
  • Bots now heal when they have Natural Bond if they are safe and wounded.
  • Patrols will now aggro in Lamp Oil Fire.
  • Blightstormers should be less prone to casting without Line of Sight. This wont stop them from casting and teleporting away, giving the appearance of a LOSless cast.
  • Fort Bongobadgers - moved two respawns slightly to fix issue where they connected to the wrong path.
  • Fort Brunchymunchies - Fixed a bunch of navigation issues experienced by Bot AI counterparts.
  • Fort Brandybutter - Fixed a conflict between Night Mod & Twitch Darkness event.
  • Fort Bringyourownbottle - Fixed a specific location where bots wouldn’t revive the player.
  • Righteous Stand - Bots should no longer get stuck on the ladder leading to 2nd Grimoire.
  • Righteous Stand - The wall shot out by a canon should be network synchronised now, so players who hot join at that location will be able to continue.
over 4 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/552500/announcements/detail/2899713886474621433]here[/url].
over 4 years ago - [Fatshark] Hedge - Direct link
Welcome to Patch 3.3. Whilst not gargantuan in size or number of fixes, it is a precursor to some fun stuff coming very soon! No more waffle, on to the notes.

Patch 3.3
  • Added quick salvage button to gamepad UI.
  • Fixed 2 of the most common crashes.
  • Bots should now replenish ammo from Ammo Boxes with much more consistency.
  • Healing Potions should no longer be wasted if you're hit right at the moment the potion is consumed.
  • Bots now heal when they have Natural Bond if they are safe and wounded.
  • Patrols will now aggro in Lamp Oil Fire.
  • Blightstormers should be less prone to casting without Line of Sight. This wont stop them from casting and teleporting away, giving the appearance of a LOSless cast.
  • Fort Bongobadgers - moved two respawns slightly to fix issue where they connected to the wrong path.
  • Fort Brunchymunchies - Fixed a bunch of navigation issues experienced by Bot AI counterparts.
  • Fort Brandybutter - Fixed a conflict between Night Mod & Twitch Darkness event.
  • Fort Bringyourownbottle - Fixed a specific location where bots wouldn't revive the player.
  • Righteous Stand - Bots should no longer get stuck on the ladder leading to 2nd Grimoire.
  • Righteous Stand - The wall shot out by a canon should be network synchronised now, so players who hot join at that location will be able to continue.
over 4 years ago - Fatshark_Hedge - Direct link

Well, take a step in to game development and see why what you ask might be an impossibility. We hope this solves it in all cases, but if we wrote that I’m sure you’d be the first to scream at us if it happens again :slight_smile: