about 3 hours ago - [Fatshark] Lev - Direct link
Hi Unknown Traveller,

We recently experienced a specific data loss issue during Versus release, which affected many players who logged in and interacted with daily/weekly missions within a short period of time, before we implemented a fix.

This issue caused significant sections of account data to be erased, messing up general progression including level completions, Okri's challenges, Weaves completions and more - all at once. It was a severe and highly noticeable problem.

We identified all player accounts that were impacted (approximately 9000), each requiring extensive reconstruction and manual correction of account data. This was a time-consuming and complex process that took many months. As a gesture of apology and gratitude, we have awarded the Abasement portrait frame to these players, to thank them for their understanding and patience.

Though the announcement post says 'by Monday', I've been told that all affected accounts have already received the portrait frame earlier today!