almost 5 years ago - Fatshark_Hedge - Direct link



Welcome to another Developer Update!

The Sharks are still working on from home and everyday we miss the office a little bit more. The water cooler chats and lunch catch-ups with colleagues of different teams are amongst the things that the Sharks are missing the most. Some miss the office enough to have recreated it in their spare time in Minecraft.

Last week we showed you a concept of a Premium Cosmetic hat that is in the works, and this week we wanted to talk you through another change that might come in the future.


Roamer-Spawns on Vermintide 2 Base Levels

One of the most recently revisited areas of Vermintide 2 is the Roamer Spawning on the Base Levels. Here is some of the most recent changes that might make it into the next update:

  • Reduced the amount of mixed factions for roamers. There should be less intermingling with Skaven and Rotbloods roaming around.
  • Removed the possibility of Beastmen spawning in most human settlements (like town areas).
  • Randomized events where possible (and needed). Some events that always spawned the same wave have now been broken up into several smaller waves that can randomly spawn for more variety. Some events that might have lacked a Rotbloods presence now has the possibility of Rotbloods spawning. More variation on the type of Specials that can spawn during events.

We would love to hear your thoughts on these changes.

almost 5 years ago - KaelusVonSestiaf - Direct link

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Just salt in the bloody wound, I swear to god