almost 6 years ago - FatsharkJulia - Direct link

Unfortunately there’s no consistency to these crashes, and the last couple of logs haven’t even produced any crash data, so it’s somewhat of a shot in the dark. :frowning:

Could you try disabling your mods and see if the same issue persists?

almost 6 years ago - FatsharkJulia - Direct link

Oh hmmm. Fans are all working as intended and there’s no overheating no?

almost 6 years ago - FatsharkJulia - Direct link

Mysterious! Annoyingly it’s not clear from the logs which particular mod could be causing this, that’s assuming the recent absence of crashes is mod-related and not down to luck :smiley: So it might be a process of elimination to determine which is the culprit. I’d try re-introducing Third Person Equipment and Player List Plus to start with.

Edit: Oh I completely misread the “on and off” part. Apologies, I’m embarrassed! You can disregard the above…

The next time you crash, which I’m hoping you won’t, could you pop the crash report over to me please? :smiley: