over 2 years ago - FatsharkJulia - Direct link

Hi all, with this being a Closed Beta Test you may well experience some crashes - below I’ve listed some common solutions to rule out any localised issues. Please keep in mind, that with this being a Beta, some instability is to be expected - and we will work hard to address as many crashes as we can between now and launch! <3

SIDE NOTE: Windows 7 and 8/8.1 are unsupported. More information here: WINDOWS 7/8/8.1 and DARKTIDE

Verify Integrity of Game Files

The ‘Verify Integrity of Game Files’ option is accessible via the Steam client and will ensure the installation is complete. An incomplete installation is likely to produce crashes, a loss of performance or other issues.

  1. Right-click Darktide in your Steam library sidebar
  2. Select ‘Properties’
  3. Select the ‘Local Files’ tab
  4. Select the ‘Verify Integrity of Beta Files’ button
  5. When complete, close and reopen Steam

Disable Ray Tracing

We are exploring whether some crashes are related to Ray Tracing. You can disable Ray Tracing within the ‘Options’ → ‘Video’ menu as seen below:

image1023×157 47.5 KB

Reinstall Your GPU Drivers

Broken or outdated GPU drivers may cause Darktide to crash. When updating your drivers, please perform a clean installation which will ensure all previous versions have been removed. This is particularly important if the GPU has been changed at any point.

For AMD GPUs: https://support.fatshark.se/hc/en-us/articles/360021424673--PC-How-to-perform-a-clean-re-installation-of-your-AMD-GPU-drivers

For NVIDIA GPUs: https://support.fatshark.se/hc/en-us/articles/360021233554--PC-How-to-perform-a-clean-re-installation-of-your-NVIDIA-GPU-drivers

Reinstall the Visual C++ Redistributables

A broken installation of the Visual C++ Redistributables may result in an unstable experience.

Please uninstall your existing versions of the Visual C++ Redistributables, reboot your PC and reinstall from the Microsoft website: Latest supported Visual C++ Redistributable downloads | Microsoft Learn

You may be prompted with an option to repair, as opposed to install. In which case, you may proceed with the option to repair.

Disable Background Applications

Background applications - commonly overlays or hooks such as RivaTuner, ShadowPlay, Fraps, ReShade and AMD Chill - can interfere with the workings of Darktide.

A Selective Startup can help identify whether a background application is the cause of your crashes:

  1. Press the Windows key
  2. Type ‘msconfig’ and select ‘System Configuration’
  3. On the ‘General’ tab, select ‘Selective Startup’
  4. Deselect ‘Load startup Items’
  5. Reboot your PC

If the crashes no longer occur after having performed the Selective Startup, try re-introducing your programs one-by-one to determine which is causing your crashes.

Run the Windows System File Checker

The Windows System File Checker will repair any Microsoft DLLs on your PC that may be preventing Darktide from playing correctly.

This can be done using the instructions here: https://support.fatshark.se/hc/en-us/articles/360039450413--PC-How-to-run-the-Windows-System-File-Checker

Set Your Dedicated/Primary GPU

We’ve noticed that for some players, their integrated/onboard GPU is being detected and used for Darktide, as opposed to their dedicated AMD or NVIDIA GPU. Some solutions for this include:

  • Ensure your monitors are plugged in to the dedicated (as opposed to the integrated) GPU ports on the back of your PC
  • Perform a clean re-installation of your GPU drivers using the appropriate instructions below:
  • For NVIDIA GPUs - Ensure both Steam and Darktide are set to use your dedicated GPU within the NVIDIA Control Panel by:
    1. Right-click the desktop and select the ‘NVIDIA Control Panel’
    2. Navigate to ‘Manage 3D Settings’ > ‘Program Settings’
    3. Locate Steam within the list of programs
    4. Within the ‘Select the preferred graphics processor for this program:’ dropdown, choose the NVIDIA GPU
    5. Then locate Darktide within the list of programs, and repeat the above step
  • For AMD GPUs - Ensure both Steam and Darktide are set to use your dedicated GPU within the Radeon Settings by:
    1. Right-click the desktop and select ‘Radeon Settings’
    2. Navigate to ‘Preferences’ > ‘Additional Settings’ > ‘Power’ > ‘Switchable Graphics’ > ‘Application Settings’
    3. Locate Steam within the list of programs
    4. In the ‘Graphics Settings’ column, assign the ‘High Performance’ profile
    5. Then locate Darktide within the list of programs, and repeat the above step
  • For Windows 10 users:
    1. Navigate to ‘Settings’ > ‘System’ > ‘Display’
    2. Select ‘Graphics Settings’
    3. Select the ‘Browse’ button and locate the Darktide executable (Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Warhammer 40,000 Darktide Playtest\binaries)
    4. Select the ‘Options’ button
    5. Choose ‘High performance’ and save your changes