over 2 years
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Hi @danila.sokolov,
As this only occurs in Official realm, this indicates the issue is Easy Anti-Cheat related.
Are any additional errors or messages shown on screen when the game crashes?
It’s possible that a background application may be interfering, so I recommend trying a ‘Selective Startup’. This can be performed by:
- Press the Windows key
- Type ‘msconfig’ and select ‘System Configuration’
- On the ‘General’ tab, select ‘Selective Startup’
- Deselect ‘Load startup Items’
- Reboot your PC
- Launch Vermintide 2 as normal
If the error no longer persists after having performed the Selective Startup, you will need to re-enable each of your usual background applications one-by-one until the error reoccurs, to determine which is interfering with Easy Anti-Cheat.