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Welcome to Hotfix 1.0.12.
This patch affects Microsoft Store and Gamepass players. This patch is rolling out now. If it has not rolled out for you yet, it will shortly.
EDIT 12/5: This patch is approximately 35GB. Yes, CHUNKY as an Ogryn, I know. However, this is necessary to help us future proof the other hotfixes we have in the wings for you, so future hotfixes should be smaller.
Hotfix Notes:
- Fixed a client crash when dodging while not having any weapon equipped.
- Fixed crash issues when view is not completely loaded
- Fixed a crash after opening inventory & other menu (such as premium store) simultaneously
- Fixed other various unspecifiable crashes
- Fixed join permissions that were causing broken reconnects sometimes
- Issue where people on 3000 series cards would see their settings as N/A is now fixed
- More detailed weapon stats have been added

Known Issues:
- Ray tracing is currently disabled for AMD and Intel GPU users while investigating issues related to our support for these GPU’s. We are working closely with our hardware partners to resolve this as soon as possible. Until then, ray tracing is turned off by default to avoid any issues in playing the game.
- Optimization and performance. This is an area we continue to work on, and we see issues with performance.
- We currently don’t support users on IPv6-only networks. This often means a player requires a VPN to play the game. The intention is to support IPv6 in the near future.
- In the Weapon Detail Screen, there is a known crash when inspecting the weapon damage breakdown of most weapons (e.g. lasgun torch)
- Sudden crash to desktop with dialogue popup.
- Switching between windowed mode and fullscreen can result in adjusted resolution and deadlock in some rare cases.
- Working on delivering missing Twitch Drops to a select few players. We hope to have this resolved within a week.
- Inability to merge strike teams. If you pick to merge your strike team at the end of a mission, it will currently not work and will display a version mismatch error.
- Some users may be missing their Imperial Edition cosmetics, pre-order bonuses, and beta tester helmets. We are working on resolving this issue so you all receive appropriate cosmetics as expected. For more information, please visit this link.
- We are aware that 100% toughness is not functioning as expected. This will be fixed in the next hotfix.
- We are aware the in-game price for some Aquilas packs appears as “??”