over 4 years
ago -
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Hi @Test5251432,
I’ll query the challenge criteria and get back to you on this. It may not be immediate, given that it’s the weekend. I’ll update you here when I can though!
Hi @Test5251432,
I’ll query the challenge criteria and get back to you on this. It may not be immediate, given that it’s the weekend. I’ll update you here when I can though!
Just to update here, there’s a known bug with this challenge being awarded incorrectly. It’s in our database and we’re investigating!
As to the question of how distant is distant? Really, I can only advise that it is quite far.
@Esteyma We’re still working on it. Apologies for the inconvenience for now!
@Mephaisto Not just yet unfortunately - it’s with our development team and still being worked on.