about 5 years ago - SmokerT69 - Direct link

Wow, that’s weird. I’d suggest making sure all you GPU drivers and stuff are up to date. Are you running in DX11 or 12? Try switching between? Could it be a full screen issue?

@FatsharkJulia might be able to help you out

about 5 years ago - SmokerT69 - Direct link

You could upload your console log in the meantime.

C:\Users\PCNAME\AppData\Roaming\Fatshark\Vermintide 2\console_logs

Find the most recent one and upload it.

about 5 years ago - SmokerT69 - Direct link

Right here on the chat box, look at the pic below.


You can uninstall the closed beta from last month. That in done.

about 5 years ago - SmokerT69 - Direct link

oh boy, I meant to just upload the entire file. Not copy and past it. There’s an upload button right above where you type a new message,


See what is highlighted in this picture? It’s an upload button.

about 5 years ago - SmokerT69 - Direct link

Just copy the URL to the folder and paste it in the upload window URL. You probably have hidden Files set to be hidden. Either way, have to wait for Julia or Hedge to look into it.

about 5 years ago - FatsharkJulia - Direct link

This is a known issue - we’re looking in to it. Apologies for the inconvenience.