over 5 years ago - Fatshark_Hedge - Direct link


  • Fixed an issue with Quickplay matchmaking
over 5 years ago - OenKrad - Direct link

I don’t know if that would be a thing because it takes away from the self-imposed challenge. Plus, I imagine the 150% and 200% options are so that players could also make longer intervals, but the intensity of stuff when it does come would be more severe. Or the players could keep it short intervals and spawn the increased quantities anyways. Could also take it to Legend so stuff dies faster but you still get lots of stuff. 150% will result in a single boss spawn but still 50% more of everything else, so that’s a thing too.

over 5 years ago - SmokerT69 - Direct link

Perhaps just an option to tune boss spawns that’s separate from normal twitch vote spawns? You could put it on 150% though right? That would only spawn 1 boss? Or does it round up and give 2? I’ve been dead in bed with the flu and was down in Stockholm yesterday so I haven’t had a chance to play.

over 5 years ago - Fatshark_Hedge - Direct link

I don’t think we have one this week, but no doubt we will before Season 2 starts.