almost 4 years ago - Fatshark_Hedge - Direct link


What an amazing week! This past Tuesday, we released Chaos Wastes, a new and free rogue-lite expansion for Vermintide 2. As many of you know, we started this journey over a year ago. It wasn’t always easy, and frankly it took longer than we would have hoped to get here. But, we also wanted to take the time to deliver the fun you deserve.

And judging by your initial reaction, it looks like there is plenty of fun to be had. In fact, in the first 48 hours, Chaos Wastes has quickly become one of our most played modes with the highest number of players online since the launch of the game - which is amazing for a product we continue to support three years later.

Needless to say, we are both thrilled and humbled by the incredible support of Chaos Wastes. Of course, we are not done yet. We hear your feedback and will continue to do our best to shape the experience with you in mind.

Until then, there is no better time to jump in and play with your friends. Join us (literally, many of us are online playing ) for a special Free Weekend on Steam, starting now.

Martin Wahlund and the rest of the “Sharks”
Boss Shark