almost 3 years ago - Fatshark_Hedge - Direct link


The PS4 version of Vermintide 2 has just received update 1.29, bringing it up to date with the latest fixes and tweaks.


  • Fixed a crash client-side players could sometimes encounter when switching characters while striking an emotive pose.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when players went to salvage a new and unseen item in their inventory.
  • Fixed a crash client-side players could encounter when dying and respawning under the AoE of a Cursing Grugde Marked boss.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when completing a Weave with at least one player ‘waiting to be rescued.’
  • Fixed other various, unspecifiable crashes.


  • Battle Wizard’s fire trail combined with ‘Lingering Flames’ left a dot dealing the same damage as the fire trail. This has been reverted to only applying the smaller lasting dot from the explosion part of the ability, while the trail damage is dealt only when the enemy stands in it.
  • Sienna’s DoTs applied from different sources now again apply separate DoTs.
  • Battle Wizard’s ‘Famished Flames’ should now deal increased DoT damage.
  • Unchained should no longer be able to die instantly when exploding from overstepping max overcharge, rather than being downed.
  • Handmaiden should no longer be able to dash into invisibility permanently when using ‘Gift of Ladrielle’.


  • Troll axe should no longer being dealing extra damage when hitting players through block.
  • Fixed shielded enemies keeping their guard up when knocked into the ground.
  • Players should now be able to stagger enemies as expected.
  • Explosion stagger now overrides all staggers.
  • Pushes can override explosion staggers.
  • All other staggers override each other.
  • Enemies are no longer unstaggerable when staggered during climb animation.
  • The ‘Warchief’ Grudge Mark should now spawn less enemies less frequently.


  • Fixed UI on upgrade shrines in the Chaos Wastes.
  • Fixed various hitmarkers and crosshair indicators to display correctly.
  • Fixed text overflow in the inventory talents page.
  • Fixed a UI alignment issue in the map area selection menu.
  • Tweaked bot career selection icon to be more unique based on feedback.
  • Fixed the ‘careers equipped on’ tooltip segment appearing for items it shouldn’t.
  • Fixed the crosshair HUD being visible in the ‘Act on Instinct’ (no HUD) mutator.
  • Store marker should now only show when there are unclaimed rewards.
  • An error dialog will now be displayed when a cosmetic purchase fails.


  • Character SFX should now trigger appropriately for client-side players.
  • Fixed Warrior Priest’s and Sister of the Thorn’s career abilities still having ‘melee camera movement’ when disabled.
  • Huntsman should now only play his ‘end ability’ sound when his ability…well, ends.


  • Non-melee attacks can no longer proc the ‘Frenzy’ Grudge Mark buff.
  • Player outlines should now be disabled when players enter ‘photomode’ with the HUD UI hidden.
  • Changing weapon illusions on your secondary weapon should no longer equip the same weapon in both slots.
  • Reverted some unintended changes to the Chaos Wastes ecomony (less coin caches and some cheaper boons etc). The economy should now be what you all are familiar with.
  • Players should no longer be locked out of their weapons when giving teammates an item.
  • Fixed Unchained’s passive not exploding when pushing her overcharge over the limit while emoting.