almost 4 years ago - FatsharkLev - Direct link

Hey @DezZzO,

So, I’ve queried this and gleaned a little information.

It’s implemented, and playing solo with bots does increase the Pilgrim’s Coins gained. However, it increases the possible min/max values of coin drops and pickups, so it’s likely you’ll gain more on average, but also entirely possible to roll low and obtain a seemingly standard amount of coins.

Bots do not pick up or have their own coins, so there’s no coin sharing in that sense. Just an increase bump when solo. Perhaps I’ll update that FAQ to be a little clearer! Thanks :slight_smile:

almost 4 years ago - FatsharkLev - Direct link

@Ninaran, yep this scales with the amount of players. So, there is always an increase of some kind depending on the amount of bots.

@All just an update on this, we’ve had some internal discussions about increasing the boosted Pilgrim’s Coins values with bots… watch this space. :grin:

Some other information I thought may be useful to share, is that bots will follow the power-level of the host. When the host upgrades weapons, then all of the bots will gain the same power increase. So, it’s particularly important for the host to end with higher tier weapons to boost the bots.

almost 4 years ago - FatsharkLev - Direct link

@WhereIsBaoDur, I’m aware that a player joining mid-expedition is currently given extra Pilgrim’s Coins to help catch up, though I don’t know the exact specifics. I’ve passed feedback/suggestions on for discussion.

almost 4 years ago - FatsharkLev - Direct link

Can I also ask: what is the starting coins value in a subsequent expedition based upon?

Starting Pilgrim’s Coins will be based on 20% of unspent coins from your previous expedition, win or lose, capped at 200 max. So, having 800+ Pilgrim’s Coins will start you off with the max of 200 for the next expedition.

almost 4 years ago - FatsharkLev - Direct link

Ah, just seen @Adelion has said as much above and beat me to it :grin:

Yeah… disconnecting can result in losing Pilgrim’s Coins. I’ve raised the issue internally, so we’ll look into what can be done :crossed_fingers:

almost 4 years ago - FatsharkLev - Direct link

@Xanoth, I can confirm that they don’t currently.