over 2 years
ago -
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Thank you all for jumping in and playing Warhammer 40,000: Darktide during the Pre-Launch Beta. During the past two weeks of battle testing the experience, many of you were a big part of the process in helping identify and help fix many issues.
As a way of showing our gratitude, we would like to give all players that played the beta a bespoke set of headgear. This will include the following:
- A Beta Company Flak helm (Size: XXXXXL).
- A Recon Company Beta Helm and Psykana Collar
- A Recon Company Beta Vanguard Helm
- The Helm of the Devoted, bearing a Seal of Intolerance
We are excited to fully release the game tomorrow at 18:00 UTC. In preparation for the launch and to ensure progression is carried over, we will have downtime scheduled today, starting at 13:00 UTC. You can find your specific regional timing here:
(click to make bigger!)
Thank you from all of us at Fatshark