about 2 years ago - FatsharkLev - Direct link

We’ll look into it, thank you for the report!

about 2 years ago - FatsharkLev - Direct link

Just relaying some developer feedback -

Long loading times in the range of 10 minutes is usually a result of having the game on an hdd and having the windows antimalware realtime protection snooping the traffic. As for the stranded loading I am unsure why that happens. Could be a sideffect of slow loading times in general.

about 2 years ago - FatsharkLev - Direct link

Thanks for sharing your findings - I’ve let the team know.

The 10 minute load definitely seems like a bug - and we’ll look into it.

You’re correct, that loading into Missions you are subject to the slowest players loading time. We are exploring options here, like potentially adding a “Waiting for other players” message.

For the Mourningstar hub, we have ‘loading groups’ - you should mostly not end up in a group with other players, but if you do, you can still be subject to having to wait for others in your loading group to join. Also, when loading into the hub the hub matchmaking is included, so some additional time can be taken to find an appropriate hub to join.

Though, 40+ seconds on an NvMe does sound excessive :thinking:

The developer I’m discussing this with also shared this information:

Another tidbit is that once the windows file cache is warm however (regardless of if the player is on a hdd or ssd) the loading should be fast. This requires the player to have enough ram for Windows to be able to cache all data and for the user to have loaded into the hub or mission once this side of a system reboot.