almost 4 years
ago -
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- Fixed numerous, various crashes.
- Fixed an issue where players could buy Premium cosmetics from Lohner’s Emporium more than once.
- Fixed an issue where owned Premium cosmetics were not labelled as ‘Owned’ in Lohner’s Emporium of Wonders.
- Bots should now use the ranged weapons in the Forgotten Relics DLC pack.
- Trollhammer Torpedo should now deal damage to the Beastman Banner.
- Chaos Wastes - Fixed Victor sometimes using Kruber voice lines when a positive curse effect happens.
- Chaos Wastes - Weapon properties: Removed Stamina properties from all ranged weapons.
- Chaos Wastes - Weapon properties: Added Power vs Unarmoured/Large/Armoured/Frenzy properties to all ranged weapons.
- Chaos Wastes - Add a warning when attempting to quit out of an Expedition.
- Chaos Wastes - Crystal Eggs should no longer spawn right beside players.
- Chaos Wastes - Potion of Prophetic Strike and the trait duration improved Potion of Prophetic Strike now have the correct durations (previously this was inverted).
- Chaos Wastes - Fixed an exploit possible due to Host Migration behaviour.
- Chaos Wastes - Fixed lobby data for host migrated lobbies to now show up properly in the lobby browser.
- Chaos Wastes - Rotten Miasma Relic should now deal damage to the Beastman Banner.
- Chaos Wastes - Fixed an issue where the Blood Tornados could pass through event gates.
- Chaos Wastes - Bel’sha’ziier’s Mine - Fixed a spot where rescued players could get picked up and drop out of the play area.
- Chaos Wastes - Citadel of Eternity - Fixed so that players can’t use teleport abilities to skip through the gate and trigger the final interactable.
- Chaos Wastes - Citadel of Eternity - Added a failsafe to the end event so on the rare occasion it fails to proceed it will time out and allow players to continue.
- Chaos Wastes - Count Mordrek’s Fortress - Fixed a killbox that was misplaced causing players to heartattack.
- Chaos Wastes - Count Mordrek’s Fortress - Fixed a spot where bots could get stuck.
- Chaos Wastes - Count Mordrek’s Fortress - Fixed a spot where enemies would spawn in a kill box and be killed without player intervention.
- Chaos Wastes - Count Mordrek’s Fortress - Fixed a spot where players could respawn for rescue underneath the terrain.
- Chaos Wastes - Count Mordrek’s Fortress - Fixed an out of bounds spot.
- Chaos Wastes - Count Mordrek’s Fortress - Made some performance optimisations.
- Chaos Wastes - Holseher’s Tower - Made some performance optimisations.
- Chaos Wastes - Holseher’s Tower - Fixed a tower wall that was missing collision.
- Chaos Wastes - Pit of Reflections - Fixed a spot where players could get stuck.
- Chaos Wastes - Slaughter Bay - Fixed some erroneous invisible walls.
- Chaos Wastes - Slaughter Bay - Fixed cases where an objective could trigger multiple times at once.
Known Issue : Holseher’s Tower can still have missing bits and pieces for clients who hotjoin, we’ll have a fix for this soon!