about 4 years ago - FatsharkJulia - Direct link

Sorry to hear this. We are patching on the PS4 this week; please let me know if the issue persists afterwards.

about 4 years ago - FatsharkJulia - Direct link

That is unfortunate :frowning: For a brief period, are you able to hook your console up to a mobile data connection purely to see if the issue perists? This can help in isolating the issue, but I appreciate it isn’t always an option.

about 4 years ago - FatsharkJulia - Direct link

Hm, okay, I’ve had another look at your account in our backend and can’t spot anything unusual. I do wonder if your ISP is blocking your connection to our servers. Are you able to contact them? If so, please reference our server address when speaking to them: https://60F3.playfabapi.com