over 3 years ago - OenKrad - Direct link

Gating to RNG is terrible. Open 15 chests, all Beastmen maps, no Minotaur ever. I don’t understand the train of thought with this kind of achievement. Complete waste of time.

So why don’t we make the challenges take 500 grudge monsters for each skin? Let’s add it so you have to deal the killing blow too.

People have jobs. Families. Lives. Destroying any incentive to strive for a reward you create as a developer is counterintuitive. The replayability of a game comes from how long you can keep a customer entertained. Rewards are like a cherry on the sundae for such replayability. If those rewards aren’t reasonably attainable then people don’t care and they don’t enjoy themselves, cutting at the root of replayability: enjoyment and entertainment.

It’s like when you play games that give you the best weapons at the very last mission/boss. You don’t really care because you don’t get to have them for any meaningful duration. Same applies to cosmetics. There is no point in an unlockable that will only unlock at a point well beyond the time a player burns out on a game and no longer cares.

Well put. It has often been demonstrated that players of video games do not like true RNG at all. That’s why there is often the illusion of RNG in many games, when the reality is the results for certain systems are actually weighted in order to meet people’s perceptions of what something should be. Helps achieve a more enjoyable experience.

over 3 years ago - Fatshark_Hedge - Direct link

To answer the tag, minotaur cannot spawn from a chest of trials.


over 3 years ago - Fatshark_Hedge - Direct link

Are you playing on PC or Console, @Romucha ?