almost 4 years ago - Fatshark_Hedge - Direct link


  • Fixed an issue with Kerillian’s new Premium Cosmetics in Lohner’s Emporium of Wonders
almost 4 years ago - Fatshark_Hedge - Direct link

Whilst we are currently on a sanction hiatus, it’s not impossible for mods to be approved. I can’t promise a localisation mod would be, there is a lot of nuance to how mod approvals work. I can ask internally what that might look like. For language packs, we can’t always be sure of the content (as we’re not Korean speakers) so it might be tricky.

almost 4 years ago - Fatshark_Hedge - Direct link

The other careers aren’t ready yet ;D These were going to be dripped in over time but we brought them forward due to, well, loads of you wanted to see them all right away. So you’re going to have to wait some time for the others to finish moving through the pipeline.