about 5 years ago - Fatshark_Hedge - Direct link


Season 2 was intended to start fully in December. This update would contain the first of three free maps as part of the ‘Curse of Drachenfels’ update, alongside ‘Lohner’s Emporium of Wonders’ for everyone, Quick Play enabled Weaves for Winds of Magic owners together with other considerations as noted in the Season 2 blog post. Given our focus on ‘game health’ these plans have adjusted slightly. With the recent success of the latest experimental test we are bringing the changes into a Beta Test.

The Beta will begin on December 16th.

You can read more about our decisions in the ‘Season 2 - Letter to the Community’ post.

Season 2 - Beta Test

The Beta will run between December 16 - January 2020. We will communicate an exact end date in the near future.

Access details
When the Beta starts we will give you detailed information on how to access the Beta.

The Beta will include:

  • Revisions to the Weaves (including unranked Quick Play) for Winds of Magic owners.
  • Essence distribution changes.
  • The first of the Curse of Drachenfels maps, Old Haunts.
  • Lohner’s Emporium. Lohner’s Emporium will be a limited experience for the time being as we test out how you interact with currency and look for edge cases in the machinations that bring it all together.

Where to follow up
You can find the latest updates and give feedback on our forums.

about 5 years ago - Fatshark_Hedge - Direct link

As I understand it right now, the beta will use your regular progression profile. As for store purchases (which for beta will be limited) we can’t promise 100% what might happen but should have a clearer idea on launch. We really want to see what happens with currency interactions, so if something goes completely whacky then we might look to fix that - which I hypothesise might be a wipe of that specific progression if needed. This is largely assumption, bud educated never the less.

about 5 years ago - SmokerT69 - Direct link

Exactly. I think people are upset more about the possible reset of Lohners shop. It’s already going to be bare bones, just so we can test. Now, if someone finds an exploit that lets them buy everything in the shop in a few minutes, it’s obviously going to get rolled back. Better all the kinks are worked out now before it goes live to all platforms.

about 5 years ago - Fatshark_Hedge - Direct link

They will still be staggered throughout Season 2.

There should be folks on hand for emergent issues, but unlikely swathing changes, until early January.

The items available in beta will likely be items already in-game which can be purchased for Shillings. This is limited in so much as new cosmetics not being available, and no premium items either. ( @Don_Kanaille called it!)

Provided the player owns Vermintide 2, they can opt in.

about 5 years ago - Fatshark_Hedge - Direct link

We have a build in the oven with some last minute changes. It’s going to take a few hours to put together, so hopefully before the day wraps up.

about 5 years ago - Fatshark_Hedge - Direct link

We’re still beavering away, I believe we’re uploading the build to Steam now.