over 2 years
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Do you have a dedicated NVIDIA or AMD GPU? As the Intel(R) UHD Graphics is being detected at current.
Do you have a dedicated NVIDIA or AMD GPU? As the Intel(R) UHD Graphics is being detected at current.
Just copying and pasting what we would usually recommend for Vermintide 2 players with this issue below. I’ll write up a dedicated set of Darktide instructions when I have the chance, but the solutions are much the same - simply switch out the Vermintide 2 references/paths to Darktide.
- Ensure your monitors are plugged in to the dedicated (as opposed to the integrated) GPU ports on the back of your PC
- Perform a clean re-installation of your GPU drivers using the appropriate instructions below:
- For NVIDIA GPUs: Ensure both Steam and Vermintide 2 are set to use your dedicated GPU within the NVIDIA Control Panel by:
- Right-click the desktop and select the ‘NVIDIA Control Panel’
- Navigate to ‘Manage 3D Settings’ > ‘Program Settings’
- Locate Steam within the list of programs
- Within the ‘Select the preferred graphics processor for this program:’ dropdown, choose the NVIDIA GPU
- Then locate Vermintide 2 within the list of programs, and repeat the above step
- For AMD GPUs: Ensure both Steam and Vermintide 2 are set to use your dedicated GPU within the Radeon Settings by:
- Right-click the desktop and select ‘Radeon Settings’
- Navigate to ‘Preferences’ > ‘Additional Settings’ > ‘Power’ > ‘Switchable Graphics’ > ‘Application Settings’
- Locate Steam within the list of programs
- In the ‘Graphics Settings’ column, assign the ‘High Performance’ profile
- Then locate Vermintide 2 within the list of programs, and repeat the above step
- For Windows 10 users:
- Navigate to ‘Settings’ > ‘System’ > ‘Display’
- Select ‘Graphics Settings’
- Select the ‘Browse’ button and locate the Vermintide 2 executable (Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Warhammer Vermintide 2\binaries)
- Select the ‘Options’ button
- Choose ‘High performance’ and save your changes