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This announcement will catalogue all the hotfixes we have released for patch 5.1.0 that came in with the Necromancer career, and will be kept current with the latest hotfix release added to the top of the patch notes.

Hotfix 5.1.5 - November 3rd


  • Fixed bug where hordes occasionally stop appearing.
  • Fixed bug where terror events sometimes got stuck.

Hotfix 5.1.4 - November 1st


  • Changed it so that instead of being hidden, the FSR 2.2 and DLSS settings are shown but greyed out when playing on an incompatible system.
    Dev note: Currently, a generic “Unsupported version” error message is shown. This will be replaced in a future version to show more information.
  • The Sharpness Filter setting is now compatible with upscaling technology and is no longer greyed-out when upscaling is enabled.
  • The Necromancer bot is now more restrictive with her ability use. She will not use her ability unless she’s down to 4 or less skeletons, or she’s being overwhelmed by enemies.
  • (Chaos Wastes) As Necromancer, having both the ‘Dread Seneschal’ and ‘Barrow Blades’ talents will now make Sienna have the army composition of Dread Seneschal, with the added benefits of AoE DoT and DoT on attack from Barrow Blades (as opposed to the Barrow Blades talent overriding the Dread Seneschal talent). The ULTIMATE army of the dead…
  • Attack commands can now be cancelled by using the Icon of Death’s weapon special. This also makes it possible to cancel the attack command when using the ‘Dread Seneschal’ talent.


  • Fixed a bug where Necromancer skeletons made the game easier by making the AI systems think there were more enemies than there actually were. They are friends, dammit.
  • Fixed a bug where using a career weapon ability while drinking a potion allowed an infinite career ability exploit.
  • Patched up breaking changes in damage calculation that made the sanctioned mod Armory no longer work.
  • Picking up potions & grimoires is no longer possible when carrying the Skull of Blosphoros.
  • Fixed a rare network related crash when someone leaves the game.
  • Fix client crash if the player who revives them leaves the game at the same time as they are revived.
  • (Chaos Wastes) Fixed bug where “Asuryan’s Wrath” and “Manann’s Tempest” traits dealt friendly fire damage to Necromancer skeletons.
  • Fixed rare crash when Nurglings get scared. You meanies :frowning:
  • Fixed unintended change where all free bomb effects causes player to equip the extra bomb. Now the previously wielded weapon is properly equipped after throwing a bomb (except for when under the endles bomb potion effect in Chaos Wastes)
  • Necromancer is now immune to Blosphoros’ shenanigans as intended.
  • Added more checks at startup to avoid the game booting with invalid graphics settings that could result in getting a black screen.
  • Added a failsafe so the settings menu does not crash when settings are set to invalid values eg. due to external editing.
    Dev note: Please do keep in mind that externally editing settings is not officially supported, but you may do them at your own risk.
  • The Soulstealer Staff will no longer hit players that are very close to Sienna. You may still choose to hit them, though, if you’re evil.
  • Fixed the Ensorcelled Reaper’s weapon special attack not granting THP.
  • Fixed a bug where the Foot Knight’s charge didn’t knock down enemies when immediately cancelled.
  • Fixed a bug where shield skellies could not be commanded to attack if there were no hammer skellies alive.
  • Fixed an issue where Necromancer could get incompatible boons, such as Ualapt’s Cunning, stagger talents, etc.
  • Fixed a bug where Waystalker’s Serrated Arrows was overriding Hagbane’s DoT.
  • Fixed a bug where Waystalker’s Serrated Arrows was overriding Moonfire Bow’s DoT if the player plays as client.
  • Fixed FSR2 quality settings not being persisted across sessions under specific conditions, resulting in getting less performance gains than expected.
  • Fixed a shader issue that made the lava found in some Chaos Wastes and Karak maps flicker.
  • Temporary health degeneration is no longer affected by damage reduction buffs.
  • Fixed occasional crash when completing a map or the host leaves while Ranger Veteran’s smoke bomb is active.

Hotfix 5.1.3 - October 26th


  • Berserkers and Plague Monks no longer track players when they’re invisible.
  • Specials no longer track players when they’re invisible.
  • Fixed a bug that made certain enemies deal less damage than they’re supposed to (Notably, Plague Monks/Berserkers and Infantry).
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when hotjoining a mission that had a javelin or throwing axe with an illusion applied, but the player’s inventory had not fully synced.
  • Fixed a crash when hotjoining into the end event of Tower of Treachery.
  • Fixed a crash on Wizard’s Tower due to scripted projectiles. Olesya is up to her old tricks again!
  • Fixed rare server crash when leaving a mission when Necromancer is in the game.
  • Fixed a crash when grabbing the Necromancer’s ability information scrollbar on the hero selection screen with your mouse.
  • Fixed a re-introduced frame-perfect host crash. The game would crash when skeletons ran out of valid enemy targets the frame before they finish an attack.

Hotfix 5.1.2 - October 24th


  • The Necromancer’s Icon of Death is no longer shown in the ally frame UI thingie, it’s now back to only showing whether the ally has a potion or not.


  • Fixed the dummies in the Keep being too fat and having big collisions.
  • Fixed hot join crash if a Ranger Veteran with the ‘Exhilirating Vapours’ used their ability that session.
  • Fixed Bardin being able to stealth infinitely with the ‘Surprise Guest’ talent by re-entering the ability.
  • Fixed Ranger Veteran with ‘Exhilirating Vapours’ talent showing the wrong amount of ability stacks.
  • Fixed small enemies swallowing bombs when thrown at them.
  • Fixed occasional frame perfect host crash when a defend command is issued the frame before an attack command swing finishes.
  • Fixed bug where Necromancer lost Icon of Death upon drinking a Potion of Endless Bombs. You can all play Chaos Wastes again!
  • Fixed Necromancer not losing Grimoire on death.
  • Fixed Engineer not losing additional bombs on death.
  • Fixed Handmaiden bleed dash talent damaging Necromancer skeletons. She’s now fully accepted that they are friends. :slight_smile:
  • Fixed a crash in Fort Shakalaka related to the end event cannonballs.
  • Fixed a bug where Necromancer would keep her potion when giving it away.
  • Fixed that bug where the challenge “Unrestful Bonefire” could only progress one point per level.
  • Fixed a crash when hotjoining into the end event of Tower of Treachery.

Hotfix 5.1.1 - October 20th


  • Added more failsafes for Twitch mode not working.
  • Fixed occasional host crash from skeleton targets dying
  • Fixed Soulstealer Staff not benefiting from the “Heat Sink” trait
  • Fixed a crash when hotjoining into game with a Sienna that has the ‘Lost Souls’ talent.
  • Fixed crashes related to French localization.
  • Fixed crash when Necromancer bot used the Soulstealer Staff’s ‘Soul Rip’ attack.
  • Fixed a crash from throwing Morgrim’s Bomb on enemies.
  • Fixed a crash when the Necromancer commanded her skeletons to defend in the exact moment they died.
  • Fixed frames from Chaos Wastes challenges being hidden unless you own the Forgotten Relics
  • Fixed a crash that happened when hotjoining while a resumeable interaction is in progress.
  • Fixed a crash that could happen while starting a resumable interaction as a client related to latency and prediction.
  • Fixed a crash with the souls from the Necromancer’s ‘Lost Souls’ talent when targeting Wizards Tower skulls.
  • Fixed the souls from the Necromancer’s ‘Lost Souls’ talent having issues hitting targets.
  • Chaos Wastes: Fixed Rhya’s Thorns boon crashing upon breaking shields.
  • Fixed crash for when a Necromancer left the game while a projectile from the Soulstealer Staff was chasing enemies.
  • Fixed rare crash occurring when a player hot-joined into a moving elevator, while a Globadier made a charge run towards the player.
  • Fixed some crashes related to Sister of the Thorns’ walls.
  • Fixed a crash when Morgrim’s Bomb stuck to an enemy.