almost 6 years ago - Radar_X - Direct link

Folks this feels like it's spun off topic for at least the last few pages so I'm going to close it.

As a fellow gamer, I don't personally want any of you to regret a purchase you haven't had the opportunity to enjoy. The nature of online games changes things significantly at times and while that may difficult to accept (I'm not a fan of change either), it many times results in positive outcomes.

The most important thing you do is to keep letting us know your experiences. Is something not working the way it used to? Are you not having as much fun in certain regards? Tell us why and specifics (not "I hate CVs) but in ways that will let us ensure the Dev team knows how you feel.

over 5 years ago - FatsharkJulia - Direct link

You can refund via Steam assuming your playtime hasn’t exceeded 2 hours.

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