about 5 years ago - Exanimia - Direct link

As someone on ps4 where cata isn’t a thing, yet…that’s nuts, even for cata. @_@

about 5 years ago - SmokerT69 - Direct link

If I remember correctly, Cata doesn’t have a special cap. Unless something has changed, they will just keep spawning, you can make it worse by separating a few meters. Which will cause the Ai to spawn more disablers.

I’ve had games where 2 flamethrowers and a ratling gunner all hop over a wall one after the other. Meanwhile my team is dodging the two storms and gas rat with a gutter runner jumping between them.

about 5 years ago - Exanimia - Direct link

No, it has a special cap at 5/3 (five at a time, three of the same type). I think the cooldown for them is much shorter, however.

about 5 years ago - SmokerT69 - Direct link

Interesting. I wonder how short the timers are? Cause most of my Cata games have them coming nonstop. I remember a game on fort budweiser where we triggered a boss at the starting bridge. I couldn’t even help with the boss as I was on WS longbow(anti special role) and the specials spawned nonstop the whole fight. Killed 6 of them during the duration

about 5 years ago - Fatshark_Hedge - Direct link

When folks get back I’ll find out what the cap and rules are. A boss for example might come with its own specials in addition to the regular cataclysm ruleset.

about 5 years ago - SmokerT69 - Direct link

Oh, those are event specials. They are scripted and not part of the normal special count. Unless those are counted towards the 5 cap as well? I don’t think so though. Same with thr arena fight at the start of Rightous Stand. I’ve passed the special cap there as well.

Btw, they all spawn in at the back of the room. Behind the door that opens to the bubble. So in that final event, try and kite around the ending door. All the specials will drop there and you can kill them instantly.

about 5 years ago - Exanimia - Direct link

I found that can happen off Cata and is a weird spawn tweaks thing I think. Just a hunch though; someone might have to code dig to find the real answer. (Had some Legend TS attempts where things got whacky)