over 2 years ago - Aqshy - Direct link
  • Reverted the majority of economy changes in the Chaos Wastes.
  • Fixed a crash when claiming multiple quest rewards where (at least) one reward is a cosmetic.
  • Fixed a crash when throwing grenades.
  • Fixed a crash when enemies despawned and spawned in at the same time due to packet loss.
  • Fixed crash when being knocked down while affected by Blazing Revenge.
  • Fixed other, various unspecifiable crashes.
  • Fixed players with bots triggering rush intervention. Specials should now be at a manageable level. Solo players, rejoice!
  • Fixed a softlock caused by players pushing Shadow Lieutenants in the pit at the middle of the Temple of Shadows arena.
  • Fixed players getting stuck in the DLC promotion screen when a second controller is connected.
over 2 years ago - Aqshy - Direct link

I believe there will be another fix coming soon, I just need to see when and what it contains.

We’re aware of memory crashes, which we’ve alerted the console team internally about.

over 2 years ago - Aqshy - Direct link

Hey there!

Our console developer has been out so that delayed things some, but I just checked in (was on vacation to a family wedding, myself!). It looks like we’ll be submitting to cert on the 15th. From there, it’s a matter of getting a yay or nay from Sony. I believe there are some crash fixes in there, but I need to play catchup a bit more to see what they are (I have a sync Friday). This patch, when it’s released, should get you up to date to PC.

Hang in there!

over 1 year ago - FatsharkQuickpaw - Direct link

Hey there! If you could please make a thread in this subforum, our Community Support members can take a look and try to troubleshoot the issue with you.