over 5 years ago - Fatshark_Hedge - Direct link


  • Fixed an issue with Quickplay matchmaking

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Welcome to patch 2.0.12. In this patch we are introducing updates to the Beastmen and new votes to Twitch Mode. There have been changes to the following Beastmen: Ungor, Ungor Archers, Gor and Standard Bearer.

You can read all about Twitch 2.0 over on our blog.

Along side new votes covered in the blog post, we’ve introduced additional options for the game mode:

  • Increase the amount of enemies spawned by Twitch Votes
  • Toggle on or off the mutator votes.
  • Increase the duration of mutator votes.
  • Ability to disable item votes as well as all beneficial votes

Beastmen Patch Notes

Today introduces the first phase of Balancing the Beastmen. We’d like to get these changes out to you, whilst we continue to work on bug fixes and other core game tweaks. Thanks for all your feedback thus far, and know that further feedback will be taken on board for future phases of balance where needed.


Ungors were the first enemy type with a new combat behaviour for Vermintide II, namely “Skirmishers”. Roaming enemies that engage the players with slightly longer reaching weapons and use evasive movement. Something we have wanted to try for a long time to create a more dynamic combat environment. Unfortunately this disrupted the flow of combat too much so we have decided to change the behaviour of the Ungors to better reflect the other roaming/horde enemies in the game.

The Ungors will now try to fight closer to the heroes and can no longer attack between their own allies with their spears. They also will no longer use backsteps to try and dodge out of the players melee range.

It should now also be easier to visually identify these apart from their Archer colleagues.

Ungor Archer

Ungor Archers have received the same changes as the regular Ungors aswell as some further tweaks to their archery. Ungor archers now have tattoos that should help distinguish them from their spear wielding fellows. In addition to this, whenever any archer spots the players and starts firing arrows at them, they will call out, alerting the players of their presence on the battlefield. They have also had their innate accuracy reduced significantly, especially on lower difficulties. Dodging arrows is now easier across the board.


Gors have had a new pass on their looks and will now appear lighter and should be easier to distinguish from one another.

Gors have had their damage reduced for all difficulties. They now deal 25% less damage on veteran difficulty, and 10% less damage on all subsequent difficulties.

The number of Gors in Beastmen Hordes have been reduced by roughly 25% on all difficulties.

Standard Bearer

The Standard Bearer has had the radius of the inspiring aura reduced from 25 to 15 meters around the banner.

The escort of the standard bearer now scales per difficulty and has been reduced across the board.

The escort of the standard bearer now scales per difficulty and has been reduced across the board. Down from 4x Gor, 2x Ungor across the board to:

  • Recruit: 2x Ungors
  • Veteran: 2x Ungors, 1x Gor
  • Champion: 2x Ungors, 2x Gor
  • Legend: 3x Gor, 1x Ungor
  • Cataclysm: 4x Gor

Also fixed an issue for all breeds where different armor types for different body parts did not allocate properly. Headshotting standard bearers with ranged attacks should now deal significantly more damage.

Dark Omens

Investigating we found some unusual behaviour in the Meteor event on Dark Omens which would result in an overwhelming number of enemies spawning. The end event has been tuned down across all difficulties and should now be more consistent. This is the first take on fixing the issue of inconsistent difficulty spikes of events. We’ll be looking at Convocation of Decay and Fort Branflakes next.

Additional Notes

  • Waystalker talent ‘Fervent Huntress’ now properly refreshes when already applied
  • Fixed a bug when fetching armor types for enemies. See Standard Bearer note.
over 5 years ago - [Fatshark] Hedge - Direct link
  • Fixed an issue with Quickplay matchmaking

Heroes, Welcome to patch 2.0.12. In this patch we are introducing updates to the Beastmen and new votes to Twitch Mode. There have been changes to the following Beastmen: Ungor, Ungor Archers, Gor and Standard Bearer.

You can read all about Twitch 2.0 over on our blog[www.vermintide.com].

Along side new votes covered in the blog post, we've introduced additional options for the game mode:
  • Increase the amount of enemies spawned by Twitch Votes
  • Toggle on or off the mutator votes.
  • Increase the duration of mutator votes.
  • Ability to disable item votes as well as all beneficial votes
You can read more about the changes to the Beastmen in the following notes.

Beastmen Patch Notes
"Today introduces the first phase of Balancing the Beastmen. We'd like to get these changes out to you, whilst we continue to work on bug fixes and other core game tweaks. Thanks for all your feedback thus far, and know that further feedback will be taken on board for future phases of balance where needed."

Ungors were the first enemy type with a new combat behaviour for Vermintide II, namely “Skirmishers”. Roaming enemies that engage the players with slightly longer reaching weapons and use evasive movement. Something we have wanted to try for a long time to create a more dynamic combat environment. Unfortunately this disrupted the flow of combat too much so we have decided to change the behaviour of the Ungors to better reflect the other roaming/horde enemies in the game.

The Ungors will now try to fight closer to the heroes and can no longer attack between their own allies with their spears. They also will no longer use backsteps to try and dodge out of the players melee range.

It should now also be easier to visually identify these apart from their Archer colleagues.

Ungor Archer

Ungor Archers have received the same changes as the regular Ungors aswell as some further tweaks to their archery. Ungor archers now have tattoos that should help distinguish them from their spear wielding fellows. In addition to this, whenever any archer spots the players and starts firing arrows at them, they will call out, alerting the players of their presence on the battlefield. They have also had their innate accuracy reduced significantly, especially on lower difficulties. Dodging arrows is now easier across the board.


Gors have had a new pass on their looks and will now appear lighter and should be easier to distinguish from one another.

Gors have had their damage reduced for all difficulties. They now deal 25% less damage on veteran difficulty, and 10% less damage on all subsequent difficulties.

The number of Gors in Beastmen Hordes have been reduced by roughly 25% on all difficulties.

Standard Bearer

The Standard Bearer has had the radius of the inspiring aura reduced from 25 to 15 meters around the banner.

The escort of the standard bearer now scales per difficulty and has been reduced across the board. Down from 4x Gor, 2x Ungor across the board to:
  • Recruit: 2x Ungors
  • Veteran: 2x Ungors, 1x Gor
  • Champion: 2x Ungors, 2x Gor
  • Legend: 3x Gor, 1x Ungor
  • Cataclysm: 4x Gor
Also fixed an issue for all breeds where different armor types for different body parts did not allocate properly. Headshotting standard bearers with ranged attacks should now deal significantly more damage.

Dark Omens

Investigating we found some unusual behaviour in the Meteor event on Dark Omens which would result in an overwhelming number of enemies spawning. The end event has been tuned down across all difficulties and should now be more consistent. This is the first take on fixing the issue of inconsistent difficulty spikes of events. We'll be looking at Convocation of Decay and Fort Branflakes next.

Additional Notes
  • Waystalker talent 'Fervent Huntress' now properly refreshes when already applied
  • Fixed a bug when fetching armor types for enemies. See Standard Bearer note.
over 5 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/552500/announcements/detail/1588006247112483923]here[/url].
over 5 years ago - SmokerT69 - Direct link

Very nice changes, can’t wait to test them. Jumping on now for some games. Good work fatshark and thanks for listening to the feedback. The darkness of the Gors was a real problem, I can probably turn my gamma down now :joy:

over 5 years ago - Fatshark_Hedge - Direct link

It’s still totally viable to back dodge since 2.0, just not against all enemy movements.

over 5 years ago - Fatshark_Hedge - Direct link

Enemies who attack on the move will continue their trajectory when dodged. That’s the design intention at least.

over 5 years ago - OenKrad - Direct link

The Twitch 2.0 changes are absolutely phenomenal. They’re so fun and there are so many more options. The customization additions are amazing. I didn’t even know you guys made patch notes and stuff like these:

I’ve only played one round of it so far, but it was really fun. I asked about twitch changes before but it seems like it was being done on the down-low. So glad this was revamped because twitch mode is one of the best things Vermintide 2 offers. It’s so fun and it’s neat how it gives viewers the opportunity to interact with streamers. Tons of creative twitch voting possibilities. I love how there are more blesses along with bad things too. Chaos is glorious.

over 5 years ago - SmokerT69 - Direct link

Yea, did some 200% twitch with Crak today. It’s a lot of fun. Btw, we got 2 minatours with a vote? Does 200% spawn 2x bosses every time or did we just get unlucky and get a map boss with twitch? But yea, we didn’t get any boss spawns the rest of the games. Or perhaps the voters just didn’t choose it.

My only problem with the weeklies is that they last way too long. The darkness one seemed to go on forever…

over 5 years ago - Fatshark_Hedge - Direct link

I think mutators have their own duration now configured in the settings.