almost 3 years
ago -
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Could you PM me the URL to your Steam profile, please? We’ll look in to it!
Could you PM me the URL to your Steam profile, please? We’ll look in to it!
It looks like both the Urbarthrundtak and Dokcoggrund are now equipped on their respective weapons. Were you able to solve this?
The Urbarthrundtak and Dokcoggrund are those pictured as rewards in the screenshots of your Okri’s Challenges.
Please can you clarify the exact names of the Weapon Illusions you believe to be missing - is it the Marazthrundtak and Kalancoggrund?
Forgive my confusion, but the Urbarthrundtak and Dokcoggrund are those pictured as rewards in the screenshots of your Okri’s Challenges, but you believe you have unlocked the Marazthrundtak and Kalancoggrund? Is that right?