9 months
ago -
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A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
Hotfix 5.5.7 - 13th of June Fixes
- Fixed challenge "Sheltering Thicket" not tracking blocked ratling gunner shots properly.
- Fixed crash when hosting a game with a Waystalker Bot whose loadout contains a javelin, while the hosts own Waystalker loadout has a bow.
- Fixed an issue where you could select career by using the arrow keys.
Hotfix 5.5.6 - 12th of June FixesVersus Tweaks
- (Chaos Wastes) Fixed rare crash when boon drones fly towards something very far away.
- Fixed a crash that would occur if you upgrade an item currently equipped on any other loadout.
- Fix crash when trying to update character data while having 5-6 loadouts on all careers
Versus Fixes
- Enabled automatic map rotation between Righteous Stand, Screaming Bell and Against the Grain.
- Monsters now block warpfire thrower fire.
- Increased Bile Troll health from 600 to 750.
- Increased the size of Bile Troll's vomit hit boxes, to make it slightly easier to use.
- Increased damage taken while standing in Bile Troll vomit by 40%.
- Decreased spawn chance for Poison Wind Globadier slightly.
- Increased Packmaster damage by 50% (per tick).
- Increased Packmaster health from 30 to 50.
- Fixed pinging a potion with the ping wheel in versus causing a server crash
- Fixed crash when showing pact sworn choices while playing with a controller
- Fixed rare end of game dedicated server crash related to warrior priest ability being active.
- Fixed certain spots in Against the Grain where Packmasters could pull hooked players out of the playable area and leave them stuck.
- Fixed a climb spot in Against the Grain where Pactsworn players could get stuck while climbing.
- Fixed NPC enemies getting stuck on destructible stuff in Against the Grain.
- Fixed NPC enemies sometimes getting really obsessed with attacking a spot on the ground in Against the Grain.
- Fixed players being stuck in matchmaking if a hero picker appears and times out
- Fixed crash caused by friend joining into a versus keep after playing as pact sworn.