Hi @Complexspeggle,
Can you please let me know your Steam Profile URL (or Gamertag / PSN name) so we can take a look at this for you.
Hi @Complexspeggle,
Can you please let me know your Steam Profile URL (or Gamertag / PSN name) so we can take a look at this for you.
@Complexspeggle, I’ve checked this internally and I’ve been told that the rewards for these challenges are Shillings, and the skins mentioned are obtained by opening chests.
Are your challenges displaying different rewards? Could you please provide a screenshot if so, as this may be a bug.
D’oh! Apologies - a discussion I had with another developer about this got a bit muddled
Please ignore what I said above! To clarify - depending on DLC, weapon illusions are granted on purchase, with Shillings and by Okri’s Challenges.
My understanding is that these weapon illusions may not be obtainable. I’ll query this internally and try to find out, and I’ll update you when I get to the bottom of it.
We’ve looked at this, and there is a bug here. It appears that several weapon illusions are being displayed incorrectly in the UI menu when they shouldn’t be, as they are not obtainable (this is intended) from either Adventure mode or Chaos Wastes.
From what I can gather, these are the weapon illusions being shown incorrectly:
* Banishing Blade
* Pegasus Bulwark
* The Doom of Anmyr
* Marazthrundtak
* Kalancoggrund
Though, we’ll check this again in case any are missed from here.
Apologies for any confusion caused!
I think the illusions may be incorrectly visible from the Weapon Upgrades/Overview menu for the respective weapons.
I’ll query this again, seems these weapon illusions are causing some confusion all round
Appreciate the detailed breakdown @CitizenKhaine! I’ve passed this on internally.
I can’t make any promises about these cosmetics being made available, we’ll initially need to look at tidying up the UI to make sure illusions that aren’t obtainable won’t be visible to prevent further confusion. From there, we’ll likely have some discussions