over 2 years
ago -
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I don’t even get that option :') … unusual to say the least.
I don’t even get that option :') … unusual to say the least.
0 voters
How likely are you to recommend this poll to a friend? (1 being not at all likely, 10 being ‘already did m8’)0 voters
Do you like turtles? (1 being hate turtles, 10 being turtles are the finest example of a ninja in a half shell)0 voters
The builder will let you build one question, but it misses an attribute if you then try to make more in the same post, so you need to add a unique name=XYZ
in to the opening declaration of each question; eg
[poll type=number results=always min=1 max=10 step=1 name=turtle]
# Do you like turtles? (1 being hate turtles, 10 being turtles are the finest example of a ninja in a half shell)