Aye, there’s a bug currently. You get a prompt to pick a character, but then it throws you on a completely random one.
Aye, there’s a bug currently. You get a prompt to pick a character, but then it throws you on a completely random one.
Like @Argonaut14 said though. Go into settings and turn off character prompt, it’s under network settings. This will at least make sure you join on the character you are currently playing. Unfortunately, it will no longer find the lowest ping game, as it will try to find any game with a slot open for your current class. You can tune this down a little by selecting search distance in network settings and putting that on the lowest value as well.
We have just hotfixed the issue in yesterdays patch related to fire dot damage not scaling with hero power appropriately.
Sienna mains rejoice .
Enable it and turn it off again. I was having the same issue. After doing this, 50 hours so far this week and it hasn’t happened again.