about 5 years ago - KaelusVonSestiaf - Direct link

I’m not happy at all with this news, tbh. Keeping the dollar cosmetics entirely as part of steam store dlc would’ve been a nice, transparent way of handling things. Clean, too.
‘Buying’ an exclusive currency that you can purchase cosmetics with is a practice developed entirely for the sake of making people spend more than what they need. Let’s say the cosmetic you want costs, idk, 300 Magic Coins ™. Well, too bad, you can either buy Magic Coins ™ in packs of 250, 500 or 1500 coins. Guess you’ll have to buy 500 and have 200 left over!

It’s a garbage practice. I’m not gonna go ahead and accuse FS of having this mentality when developing it, 'cause maybe they just figured ‘Hey, if it works for X and Y and everyone else, surely it works for us’ but I sincerely hope they steer goddamn clear of this path.

It’s starting to look like the emporium will be a copy paste from dead by daylight’s store, and I wasn’t too happy about how they implemented that, either. (2 currencies, one cash, one earned through ingame playtime. All cosmetics could be bought with the cash currency, not all cosmetics could be bought with the playtime currency. Playtime currency was incredibly slow to obtain.) But it did work out for them, I suppose.

about 5 years ago - KaelusVonSestiaf - Direct link

I think if you make it too expensive, it’ll be outrageous and no one will buy it. People will get angry and FS won’t make money off of it.

If you don’t make it too expensive, then you’ll be naturally devaluing the cosmetics’ worth. You see someone with a fancy 750 hat and you won’t think “wow that guy saved up for 3 weeks to get that hat.” No, you’ll think “ok he forked out 2 bucks for that hat.”
Not even if they’re cheap, if they make it fairly priced, it’s going to happen.

The best way to make it work is if shilling cosmetics are not purchaseable with real cash. There’d be cash cosmetics, and shilling cosmetics. It’s healthier that way.

about 5 years ago - KaelusVonSestiaf - Direct link

Ok so what the hell.
On the one hand, as discussed ardently in the last few posts, there’s this:

And on the other, there’s this article that came out three hours ago.

Here’s a quote in the article from Martin Wahlund, CEO of Fatshark:

The premium items won’t require you to purchase bundles of currency, either. One of the most egregious microtransaction tricks is selling bundles in increments that encourage players to buy more than they need. If an axe costs 1,000 Bull**** Bucks, chances are the closest bundle will be 1,100 BBs. In Vermintide, it will be done through Steam using regular currency and you’ll be able to purchase the item directly.

Which sounds absolutely great! It was exactly my point and my hope earlier! But what the hell is up with the twitter contradicting this???
At the very least I trust an interview in which Martin himself directly talks about this more than a random twitter that we could be misinterpreting, but still.

Can someone clear this up for good? @Fatshark_Hedge

Credit to reddit user Nialori for finding the article and posting it on the vermintide reddit.

about 5 years ago - Fatshark_Hedge - Direct link

Yes, so that’s where were at. I think when mentioned on Twitter there was some confusion. Soft currency = shillings, what you can earn in-game. Hard currency = £/$/€/etc, for premium cosmetics.

about 5 years ago - KaelusVonSestiaf - Direct link


Tyvm for clearing that up!

about 5 years ago - Fatshark_Hedge - Direct link

So, there will also be a clear separation between the premium items, and those buyable with shillings? No buying stuff that can be bought with shillings for real money? (Now and in the future…)

Just hearing that would affirm my faith in you guys. I’ll buy some premium stuff out of gratitude if so.

There is a very clear separation. Shilling items are shilling items. Premium stuff is premium. There’s no crossover.

about 5 years ago - Fatshark_Hedge - Direct link

Our hats are between like £2 and £4.