about 2 years ago - [Fatshark] Aqshy - Direct link
Make sure to join us for Fight the Tide's shoutcast and coverage of the Onslaught Captains Series hosted by the community-run Onslaught Series!

The Captains Series is an event designed to help people try out modded and higher difficulties, help them grow by being paired with a coach from their region, welcome them to the modded community, and introduce them to the various Onslaught Series events and formats.

Coaching styles are broken into two different types that teams can choose from:

  • Backseating: the full quad will consist of participants. This can be a premade quad or it can be a group that is put together from the signups. The captain will join using the [BTMP] More Players mod and spectate in-game, or spectate via a stream provided by a member of his team (Twitch, Discord, Youtube, etc.).
  • Playing: The group of players will consist of 3 participants and one captain. This method has the advantage of the coach being in-game himself and being able to react faster to situational challenges and guide the team by shot-calling.

Coverage will be streamed live on Fight the Tide on the http://www.twitch.tv/fightthetide Twitch channel on February 11th & 12th, 4pm-7pm UTC and will also involve some of the captains from the participating teams.

The captains of the groups will join the stream while their teams are being watched and the captains will talk about how the group has evolved, their experiences, problems that they had to confront and surpass, strategies used, and more. In the case that a group consist of 3 players and the captain also playing, then the coverage will be without the captain and will follow a more traditional approach.

Last but not least, thank you to all captains participating and spending their time working on this. Please note that they are all doing this in their free time and voluntarily, so swing by and learn something new!

Happy rat slaying!
about 2 years ago - Aqshy - Direct link

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Make sure to join us for Fight the Tide’s shoutcast and coverage of the Onslaught Captains Series hosted by the community-run Onslaught Series!

The Captains Series is an event designed to help people try out modded and higher difficulties, help them grow by being paired with a coach from their region, welcome them to the modded community, and introduce them to the various Onslaught Series events and formats.

Coaching styles are broken into two different types that teams can choose from:

  • Backseating: the full quad will consist of participants. This can be a premade quad or it can be a group that is put together from the signups. The captain will join using the [BTMP] More Players mod and spectate in-game, or spectate via a stream provided by a member of his team (Twitch, Discord, Youtube, etc.).

  • Playing: The group of players will consist of 3 participants and one captain. This method has the advantage of the coach being in-game himself and being able to react faster to situational challenges and guide the team by shot-calling.

Coverage will be streamed live on Fight the Tide on the Fight the Tide Twitch channel on February 11th & 12th, 4pm-7pm UTC and will also involve some of the captains from the participating teams.

The captains of the groups will join the stream while their teams are being watched and the captains will talk about how the group has evolved, their experiences, problems that they had to confront and surpass, strategies used, and more. In the case that a group consist of 3 players and the captain also playing, then the coverage will be without the captain and will follow a more traditional approach.

Last but not least, thank you to all captains participating and spending their time working on this. Please note that they are all doing this in their free time and voluntarily, so swing by and learn something new!

Happy rat slaying!