over 1 year ago - Aqshy - Direct link


This announcement will catalogue all the hotfixes we have released for the console patch that came in with the Necromancer career, and will be kept current with the latest hotfix release added to the top of the patch notes.

Hotfix 2


  • The Necromancer’s Icon of Death is no longer shown in the ally frame UI thingie, it’s now back to only showing whether the ally has a potion or not.


  • Fixed the crash when opening chests in Offline mode.
  • Fixed the dummies in the Keep being too fat and having big collisions.
  • Fixed hot join crash if a Ranger Veteran with the ‘Exhilirating Vapours’ used their ability that session.
  • Fixed Bardin being able to stealth infinitely with the ‘Surprise Guest’ talent by re-entering the ability.
  • Fixed Ranger Veteran with ‘Exhilirating Vapours’ talent showing the wrong amount of ability stacks.
  • Fixed small enemies swallowing bombs when thrown at them.
  • Fixed occasional frame perfect host crash when a defend command is issued the frame before an attack command swing finishes.
  • Fixed bug where Necromancer lost Icon of Death upon drinking a Potion of Endless Bombs. You can all play Chaos Wastes again!
  • Fixed Necromancer not losing Grimoire on death.
  • Fixed Engineer not losing additional bombs on death.
  • Fixed Handmaiden bleed dash talent damaging Necromancer skeletons. She’s now fully accepted that they are friends :slight_smile:
  • Fixed a bug where Necromancer would keep her potion when giving it away.
  • Fixed that bug where the challenge “Unrestful Bonefire” could only progress one point per level.
  • Fixed a crash when hotjoining into the end event of Tower of Treachery.
  • Fixed crash from throwing Morgrim’s Bomb on enemies.
  • Fixed a crash when the Necromancer commanded her skeletons to defend in the exact moment they died.
  • Fixed frames from Chaos Wastes challenges being hidden unless you own the Forgotten Relics.
  • Fixed a crash that happened when hotjoining while a resumeable interaction is in progress.
  • Fixed a crash that could happen while starting a resumable interaction as a client related to latency and prediction.
  • Fixed a crash with the souls from the Necromancer’s ‘Lost Souls’ talent when targeting Wizards Tower skulls.
  • Fixed the souls from the Necromancer’s ‘Lost Souls’ talent having issues hitting targets.
  • Fixed rare crash occurring when a player hot-joined into a moving elevator, while a Globadier made a charge run towards the player.
  • Fixed a crash in Fort Shakalaka related to the end event cannonballs.
  • Chaos Wastes: Fixed Rhya’s Thorns boon crashing upon breaking shields.
  • Fixed rare crash where a Life Leech managed to acquire Skeleton as a target.
  • Fixed crash for when a Necromancer left the game while a projectile from the Soulstealer Staff was chasing enemies.
  • Fixed some crashes related to Sister of the Thorns’ walls.
  • Fixed a crash when Morgrim’s Bomb stuck to an enemy.

Hotfix 1


  • The Icon of Death no longer shows a outline on sacrifice target skeletons unless hovering them. Sacrificing skeletons without hovering them picks the oldest skeleton.


  • Fixed console progression being reset.
  • Fixed the overcharge VFX not showing up on Necromancer for other clients.
  • Fixed crash when skeletons attacked a Gutter Runner while all heroes were invisible.
  • Fixed bug where “Mistress of the Stave” challenge worked on non-elite enemies.
  • Corrected weapon diagram info and weapon tags for the Soulstealer Staff and the Ensorcelled Reaper.
  • Fixed crash when a client Necromancer sends a command to her skeletons and they die (or target enemies that die) before the request reaches the host.
  • The Soulstealer Staff’s Soul Rip attack now scales with attack speed.
  • Fixed crash if Skeletons die at the exact same moment as when you sacrifice them.
  • Fixed rare crash that happens when the target enemy gets dies at the exact same moment as a Necromancer commands attack on it.
  • Fixed crash for Sister of the Thorn when reaching full overcharge and letting it decay to the first threshold mark.
  • Fixed crash when dying as necromancer while wielding a potion.
  • Fixed crash caused by Necromancer bot being replaced with a player or a Necromancer player leaving while being chased by a soul from the ‘Soul Harvest’ talent.
  • Fixed rare crash from skeletons being in mid swing attacking a Gutter Runner while it dies near the Necromancer.
  • Fixed crash from long sessions where we added more than 511 synced buffs to a player in the same session.
  • Fixed issue with Soulstealer Staff not proccing certain ranged weapon traits.
  • Fixed bug where Coruscation staff needs twice as many stacks of the ‘Soul Harvest’ talent to function than it should.
  • Fixed Skarrik not jumping down after his initial speech in ‘Into the Nest’
  • Added the missing ‘base’ weapon illusions for Ensorcelled Reaper and Soulstealer Staff
  • Fixed several issues with FoV when using the Soulstealer Staff’s Soul Rip attack.
  • Fixed Necromancer fire effects being colored orange for clients if hot joining and replacing a non-Necromancer Sienna bot.
  • Fixed missing sounds for the Ensorcelled Reaper when using certain weapon illusions.
  • Added a few more failsafes for Twitch Mode not working.
  • Fixed occasional host crash from skeleton targets dying.
  • Fixed perk names in the old talent menu being the career name instead of the respective perk names.
  • Fixed crash when joining a match with a Necromancer using the ‘Lost Souls’ talent.
  • Fixed crashes related to French localization.
  • Fixed crash when a Necromancer bot uses the Soulstealer Staff’s Soul Rip attack.