about 5 years ago - Fatshark_Hedge - Direct link

My advice, be cautious about what randos shout in voice chat :sunny: Rattle Royale isn’t something we’re working on.

about 5 years ago - SmokerT69 - Direct link

I’ve seen zero info regarding a battle royale mode and how would that even work with V2? :joy:

As far as I know, there is no plan for a cash shop either? Someone correct me if I’m wrong? From what I understand they will have an in game cosmetic store with in game currency and a few cosmetics available to buy via the steam store to support the game and let them put out free DLCs. When people say “cash shop”, I think of MMO type cash shops like League of Legends, paying for 2x exp or simply allowing you to bypass in game currencies to buy what you want outright.

about 5 years ago - Fatshark_Hedge - Direct link

I quite like the format, personally, but it’s not on the cards for Vermintide.

about 5 years ago - SmokerT69 - Direct link

Well, at least he didn’t kill you for playing the elf and throw your grim away before he quit. You’ll meet all kinds of interesting folks on the Internet.