over 5 years ago - SmokerT69 - Direct link

Not sure how V1 works, does it create Console logs and Crash reports? If so, could you post them? It might help the Devs find the issues. If it’s anything like V2, the logs can be found here,


Then click on the Vermintide 1 folder and upload the console log that corresponds with the date and time of the session it happened in. You might be able to find a crash report as well.

I’m by no means an expert, but have you tried trouble shooting the most obvious issues? Are your drivers up to date and not corrupted? Are you overclocking your CPU? Are any of your parts overheating? My wife got a brand new PC with very high end parts. Kept randomly crashing, she was overheating. She just assumed, this is good stuff, it should be able to run anything. Well, yea, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t get hot… Are you using something like MSI afterburner to monitor GPU and CPU heat? Especially if you don’t have the FPS capped at all, you could be pushing tons of FPS and just heating the card up for no reason.

I haven’t heard of anyone ever suffering randomly from blue screens? Blue screens are normally always a malfunctioning part, overheating or a memory issue. Although, I did managed to trigger blue screens a few years ago when I tried to get away with a lower PSU than was needed.

btw, when you check for the crash in the reliability viewer or event viewer, what information does it give?

over 5 years ago - Fatshark_Hedge - Direct link

My money would be on overheating. The logs sadly don’t tell us much because the PC shuts down and the game cannot complete the logs. Usually just giving the fans and coolers a bit of a clean, and re-seating a CPU with fresh thermal paste is a good start (and pretty cheap (also worth doing somewhat regularly))