about 5 years ago - SmokerT69 - Direct link

Zealot got a huge buff though? They actually increased his thp generation… Not to mention he can keep up his ULT for nearly every single big engage.

about 5 years ago - SmokerT69 - Direct link

I always thought of thp like adrenaline in combat. You keep pushing on despite your injuries but when it all calms down, you crash. I think the faster decay helps with that. At the same time, there’s still a big delay on it decaying. You won’t lose thp in any kind of combat, see a single rat, smack it, even gaining the tiniest bit of thp will stop the decay from starting.

about 5 years ago - Exanimia - Direct link

Played console patch the other day; I have to push a little more and I’m super rusty with a controller now; but legend you’re still able to mow down most enemies due to the sheer power increase console weapons have in the first place. It’s for certain a different game; but not ruined at all. Peer group has been enjoying the change of pace and the new challenge of legend.

about 5 years ago - Fatshark_Hedge - Direct link

Hey welcome back @SICKOMODE. Your thread is missing tangible feedback. I guess you don’t like the stagger adjustments? Could you elaborate on that?

about 5 years ago - Exanimia - Direct link

I like this feedback; it’s well constructed! :smiley:

I think some of the thp issues come from lack of accessibility while dodging and the fact that in your current patch on console, cleave thp is nerfed, so you’re left with kill, stagger, or crit/headshot (the latter of which can be a little bit finicky on a controller). PC is currently in beta with cleave thp back right now; so hopefully it’ll stick and you’ll see that push through and you’ll have an easier time retaining thp.

The new tracking punishes back dodge more as well in 2.0; which can also be somewhat of a thorny problem on a controller. It’s def doable, just a little more difficult than before since the windows are less forgiving.

about 5 years ago - SmokerT69 - Direct link

As a WS main, I can assure you she was like this before as well. Most people just didn’t use the right build with ammo on headshot. You could fire your ULT with your bow out and regen 9 ammo, then you had your passive ammo regen as well. It was even worse before the big balance beta where you could get 18 ammo on ULT with the right talents. She’s always been a powerhouse, especially with hagbane and longbow. People constantly under estimated hagbane, you can even look back at the threads on here with people talking about how weak hagbane is when you could solo kill a boss in 20 seconds with it.

Like I said, WS was always one of the strongest classes in the game. People just liked the shade because she could 1 shot bosses with the right build. I can also see her being not as popular on console due to her needing to land headshots with the longbow. Which is probably very hard to do with a control versus a mouse.

About the zealot, he actually got a buff to his thp generation and his ULT. Which he can keep up for nearly every single engage with the right build now. He’s just not as tanky, so you need to know how to dodge weave and push to get the most out of him.

about 5 years ago - SmokerT69 - Direct link

I’ve suggested dropping her base ammo down by 50% which would fix that. She got a 100% ammo increase because she was so bad in the WoM beta. 50% should work fine now that she can proc ammo back on every special and elite killed instead of just specials like before with 100% less ammo.