over 1 year ago - FatsharkLev - Direct link

Hi @StoleYourAmmo,

We’ve checked crash reports for your account and have only been able to find one recent crash when you hotjoined (we are investigating this).

At the end of missions, can I confirm what error, if any, is being displayed? I’m wondering if you may be encountering connectivity errors instead.

over 1 year ago - FatsharkLev - Direct link

We’ve identified a couple of these crashes now, and we’re cooking up some fixes.

Some of the crashes appear to be unique though, which is a little odd. I would recommend to try reinstalling Vermintide 2 for good measure in case there’s an issue with your installation.

Apologies for the inconvenience.

over 1 year ago - FatsharkLev - Direct link

Noted, thank you!