about 5 years ago - Fatshark_Hedge - Direct link

I think we changed some dlc entitlement scripts today to solve a few issues surrounding shilling bags, skins from V1 and similar issues that arise with Lohners Emporium.

Might be from that. I’ll try to convince Tom to let everyone keep them who doesn’t use them up :slight_smile:

about 5 years ago - Fatshark_Hedge - Direct link

We’d like to revisit deeds for sure, but that wont be in the short term if I am being honest.

I doubt we’ll see the V1 skins split, they’re complete skins and we’ve no plans to split them in to seperate pieces at this time.

Can’t say for sure about the Arrogance Lost recolours though. I don’t know how much work it was to bring the original ones in to V2, but I can ask of course :slight_smile: