over 4 years
ago -
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Here’s a list of tooltips that are inconsistent between in-game tooltip and patch notes.
- Walk it Off : Nerf not mentioned in patch notes.
- Exuberance : Headshots reduce damage by 5 seconds (patch notes). 30 seconds (tooltip). Actually 7 seconds.
- Rising Pressures : Reduces attack speed down to -50% (patch notes). Down to -150% (tooltip - makes no sense)
- Rune-Etched Shield : Grants power for 6 seconds (patch notes). 10 seconds (tooltip)
- Vengeance : Rising Anger grants 10% attack speed per stack (patch notes). 8% attack speed (tooltip)
- Asrai Alacrity : Grants 10% damage (patch notes). Grants 10% power (tooltip)
- Shadow Step : Increases damage by 10% for 1 second (patch notes). Increases power of next strike by 10% (tooltip)
- Bloodfletcher : Internal cooldown unmentioned in patch notes and tooltip.
- Dual Action : Killing an elite enemy with a melee attack while out of ammo restores ammo (patch notes, incorrect).
- Outburst : Tooltip refers to “Damage over time/DoT” as “dot”. Confusing.