over 5 years
ago -
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Catacombs is the internal development name for Convocation of Decay.
Catacombs is the internal development name for Convocation of Decay.
Sounds like you met a script kiddie too. I’d avoid staying in lobbies with a host where matches finished instantly. It likely won’t end well for them since we see that kind of stuff.
We’re aware. Not so much bug abuse but outright cheating. We’ll gettem.
Someone mentioned in a game that there’s a bug that allows you to instantly finish any map just by loading jnto it. They wouldn’t say what it was, only that they reported it to Fatshark and that was it…
Interesting. If you could send us the console log for that sesssion it would be super useful
C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\Roaming\Fatshark\Vermintide 2\console_logs