almost 3 years
ago -
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Hey there. These features weren’t integrated due to an unfortunate oversight on our end. We’re on the case to getting them integrated in a future patch.
Appreciate your patience!
Hey there. These features weren’t integrated due to an unfortunate oversight on our end. We’re on the case to getting them integrated in a future patch.
Appreciate your patience!
I’m on the case to asking both of these questions now.
Hello, so I have a mixture of news, but feel it better to be transparent and communicate with you all.
Nope, but I can check in.
Hello, no news, I’m afraid, but I will keep pushing!
There is no news, I’m afraid. If I have any, I will let you know.
No news at this time, though we’re still working on V2. I’ll loop back around, but I suspect it’s not a priority at the moment. Will keep pushing, though!