over 4 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/552500/announcements/detail/2930115719580442829]here[/url].
over 4 years ago - [Fatshark] Hedge - Direct link
Greetings from Stockholm, winter is coming as the days get shorter and the weather shifts. Most Sharks are still working from home with the comfort of their pets, partners and PCs/laptops.

Hopefully you all got your hands on the Anniversary Hat last week and enjoyed a merry jaunt around the streets of Helmgart in search of a good brew! Geheimnisnacht will be coming to an end this coming weekend so it’s the last chance to catch the city under the influence of Mannslieb and Morrslieb at their fattest.

Community Challenge: 555,555,555
It was a stunning, messy display! But you actually did it. The tally at the time the counter was switched off was a glorious 596,242,712, earning everyone two weekends of Triple XP!

We discussed this internally and have decided we’ll attach these two bonus weekends into a 10 day Triple XP Event bonanza, starting right now!

Winds of Magic: Season 4
Season 3 is drawing to a close, and with it comes the leaderboard freeze. On November 8th the leaderboards will be frozen and the Season will end. Season 4 will begin on December 8th. Frames will be available for earning until the start of the new Season.

Heads up: we’re clarifying the definition of a Season.

Previously, a Season was expected to come with a larger release of content and game changes. Upon reflection, we never really defined what a season was. The only consistent feature of a Season was the reset of Winds of Magic leaderboards, a reshuffle of the Weaves and fresh Portrait Frames for Weave challenges. Going forward, this will be the definition of a Season.

What this means is that is not all Seasons will come with a larger content drop. This isn’t a bad thing. What it does afford us is the ability to be more flexible with content releases whilst not disturbing the rolling of the Seasons. It allows us to release content when it’s ready - which works both ways. We don’t need to hold ready content for an upcoming Season, and we don’t need to rush/cut down unfinished content to make it in time for a Season.

In the Community
Over on Vermintide subreddit, the admins and moderators have been hosting an Umgak Cosplay Contest! The entries for this come to a close tomorrow, so if you’ve got some umgak around your home to throw on and best represent something from Vermintide, be sure to get in there quick and be in with a chance at a pretty unique prize!


Also on reddit, over the past few months, we’ve seen some absolutely amazing screenshots put together by user ‘Just-a-turtle’.

"The shadows hide me."

"A Grail Knight... A saint amongst men, a warrior beyond compare who had slain great monsters, fought in wars beyond number, vanquished the most dreaded of foes and who had been granted powers beyond the ken of mere mortals."

"Come! Despoilers! I shall end thee!"

It’s hard to pick and highlight a selection as they’re all great, so basically check out their submissions at the link below to feast your eyes on the beautiful compositions they’ve been hard creating!


over 4 years ago - Fatshark_Hedge - Direct link


Greetings from Stockholm, winter is coming as the days get shorter and the weather shifts. Most Sharks are still working from home with the comfort of their pets, partners and PCs/laptops.

Hopefully you all got your hands on the Anniversary Hat last week and enjoyed a merry jaunt around the streets of Helmgart in search of a good brew! Geheimnisnacht will be coming to an end this coming weekend so it’s the last chance to catch the city under the influence of Mannslieb and Morrslieb at their fattest.

Community Challenge: 555,555,555

It was a stunning, messy display! But you actually did it. The tally at the time the counter was switched off was a glorious 596,242,712, earning everyone two weekends of Triple XP!

We discussed this internally and have decided we’ll attach these two bonus weekends into a 10 day Triple XP Event bonanza , starting right now!

Winds of Magic: Season 4

Season 3 is drawing to a close, and with it comes the leaderboard freeze. On November 8th the leaderboards will be frozen and the Season will end. Season 4 will begin on December 8th . Frames will be available for earning until the start of the new Season.

Heads up: we’re clarifying the definition of a Season.

Previously, a Season was expected to come with a larger release of content and game changes. Upon reflection, we never really defined what a season was. The only consistent feature of a Season was the reset of Winds of Magic leaderboards, a reshuffle of the Weaves and fresh Portrait Frames for Weave challenges. Going forward, this will be the definition of a Season.

What this means is that is not all Seasons will come with a larger content drop. This isn’t a bad thing . What it does afford us is the ability to be more flexible with content releases whilst not disturbing the rolling of the Seasons. It allows us to release content when it’s ready - which works both ways. We don’t need to hold ready content for an upcoming Season, and we don’t need to rush/cut down unfinished content to make it in time for a Season.

In the Community

Over on Vermintide subreddit, the admins and moderators have been hosting an Umgak Cosplay Contest ! The entries for this come to a close tomorrow, so if you’ve got some umgak around your home to throw on and best represent something from Vermintide, be sure to get in there quick and be in with a chance at a pretty unique prize!


Also on reddit, over the past few months, we’ve seen some absolutely amazing screenshots put together by user ‘Just-a-turtle’.

“The shadows hide me.”


“A Grail Knight… A saint amongst men, a warrior beyond compare who had slain great monsters, fought in wars beyond number, vanquished the most dreaded of foes and who had been granted powers beyond the ken of mere mortals.”


“Come! Despoilers! I shall end thee!”


It’s hard to pick and highlight a selection as they’re all great, so basically check out their submissions at the link below to feast your eyes on the beautiful compositions they’ve been hard creating!


over 4 years ago - Fatshark_Hedge - Direct link

The plan is to have content out prior to Season 4, but if it needs a bit more spit and polish we can do that without having to delay the roll of the seasons. It is easy to think that this is a way for us to just deliver less, but it honestly is a way for us to deliver without having to move Seasonal dates.