about 15 hours
ago -
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Hey everyone,
On March 5th the War Thunder servers were temporarily unavailable. Because of this, we’re going to be compensating Premium Account holders for any potentially lost time and extend the time for the current task in the Raider Hunter event.
-Premium Account holders have been given an extra 6 hours of Premium Account time.
-The “Mark of distinction for sailors 4” task has been extended by 12 hours until March 7th (23:30 GMT).
We’re sorry for the inconvenience caused by these server issues.
On March 5th the War Thunder servers were temporarily unavailable. Because of this, we’re going to be compensating Premium Account holders for any potentially lost time and extend the time for the current task in the Raider Hunter event.
-Premium Account holders have been given an extra 6 hours of Premium Account time.
-The “Mark of distinction for sailors 4” task has been extended by 12 hours until March 7th (23:30 GMT).
We’re sorry for the inconvenience caused by these server issues.