Transcript (by Youtube)

3s foreign
5s developing and setting up the production
7s of advanced Weaponry requires years of
9s extensive research and hard work but if
11s you succeed you can catch your enemy by
14s surprise or even get ahead in this round
17s of the arms race engineers get ready the
20s takushu heiki event has just started in
22s War Thunder and your task is to build a
25s deadly missile no rocket science
27s required though you just have to play
29s the game and receive rewards and we'll
31s explain the rest
35s building a missile is actually pretty
37s easy first open the workshop and go to
40s the tokushu heiki tab here you'll see
42s everything you need for the event
44s materials data on development progress
47s and Factory upgrade toolkits let's talk
50s about each of these resources in detail
53s materials are a basic resource that are
56s used to assemble missile Parts you get
58s materials by earning points and battles
60s for every 2500 points you receive a
63s resource box and every resource box
65s contains three to five materials
67s sometimes even 10. development progress
71s data sheets are needed to create a final
73s test report which allows you to ship the
75s missile and get your reward that might
77s sound complicated but you get data
79s sheets the exact same way as materials
81s just by playing the game for every 7 500
84s points you receive a single development
86s progress data sheet when you get 20 of
89s those you can convert them into a
91s development progress report
93s finally Factory upgrade toolkits are
95s given to players that finish a match at
97s the top of the leaderboards you don't
99s have to have or even use these toolkits
102s but they allow you to make the process
104s of assembling missile parts and the
105s missile itself significantly faster keep
108s in mind though that the level of your
110s factory is reset every time you get a
112s test report so it's a good idea to use
115s your tool kits early on now let's see
117s how it works in game let's say you've
119s just played a few battles and earned
121s some materials it's time to make some
123s missile Parts go to the Workshop open
125s the takushu heiki tab and click the to
128s the factory button different parts
130s require a different amount of materials
133s choose a part that you can afford and
135s simply click the produce button
137s once completed click finish now that
140s missile part is ready after all required
143s parts are assembled the only thing left
144s to do is to build the missile itself you
147s do it in the very same menu
149s the next step is a bit tricky though
151s before you can ship the finished product
153s you have to test it no engineer worth
155s their salt would ever ship a design
157s without testing it first in order to see
159s whether your missile is combat ready
161s you'll have to do a special Mission
162s carefully check the controls the engine
165s and the fuel system for any issues if
168s all other systems are okay check the
170s fuse
171s testing might reveal that some of the
173s missile systems don't work as intended
175s that means that some of the parts are
177s defective after you figure out which
179s systems are failing click the prepare
181s the report button and Mark all defective
184s Parts if you answer correctly you'll
186s receive three resource boxes to help you
188s with the production of the next missile
190s don't worry though even if you're wrong
192s you'll still get something for your
194s troubles a single resource box
197s by preparing a report on a combat ready
199s missile you'll obtain a Target
200s destruction report combine it with a
203s development progress report and you'll
204s get a complete test report that can be
207s exchanged for event Vehicles all
210s vehicles obtained from the event are
211s given in the form of coupons that can be
213s activated on your account or sold to
216s other players on the marketplace
219s foreign
224s you can get the ki-48 II otsu a Japanese
229s light bomber with its powerful missile
232s and bombs it'll obliterate your enemies
234s without leaving them a single chance to
236s escape
239s fans of ground battles can exchange
241s three test reports for the lossat or
244s line of sight anti-tank missile system
246s it's probably one of the most unusual
249s high rank Vehicles available in the game
252s it's armed with hypersonic anti-tank
254s guided missiles that can blow any
256s vehicle to smithereens instead of a
259s conventional Warhead they employ a solid
262s steel penetrator that hunches through
263s armor using massive amounts of kinetic
266s energy
269s three test reports can also be exchanged
272s for ijn Kurama a pre-World War One
276s Japanese battle cruiser this is a slow
279s but imposing ship featuring 305
282s millimeter main battery guns as well as
285s powerful all auxiliary 203 millimeter
288s guns that's enough Firepower to melt the
291s heart of any Captain it doesn't hurt
293s that the battle cruiser also has enough
295s armor to survive any return fire
299s finally the last reward that you can get
301s for three test reports is a twin seat
304s trainer version of the F-100 jet fighter
306s arriving in the Chinese Tech Tree like
310s other super sabers this aircraft has
312s excellent flying characteristics and is
314s capable of supersonic speed it's no
317s slouch in the Firepower Department
318s either the jet 6 hardpoints can carry a
321s wide variety of armaments for ground
323s targets you have the powerful agm-12
326s Bullpup missile suitable for high
328s Precision strikes against enemy armor
330s for air targets there is The Sidewinder
333s air-to-air missile and then you also get
335s bombs chaff containers and so
338s on
343s that's it fight earn points assemble
346s missiles make sure they're combat ready
348s and we'll see you in War Thunder