almost 4 years
ago -
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A new line of South African ground forces, the first Variable Swept Wing jet and over 30 new vehicles are joining the game! New location, tactical air-to-surface missiles and a pilot HUD along with new graphical effects, gunfire sounds for aircraft, and much more!
Check out the Changlog here[]
South African armoured vehicles
Over 20 new ground vehicles includes first South African armoured vehicles added as a separate branch of the British tech tree
F-5A, Mirage IIIE, F8U-2 and more, include first sweep-wings aircraft: Su-17M!
Naval Fleet
5 new vessels, including German SMS "Kaiser"
New Features
New location, tactical air-to-surface missiles and a pilot HUD along with new graphical effects, gunfire sounds for aircraft and more!
Check out the full list of changes[]