over 2 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

The M247 HEAT warhead was deemed as compatible with the CRV-7 and thus was added in game. All of the other Warheads that could be fitted are not combat effective (gameplay wise) against the type of armour or conditions the aircraft would face, hence why the current HEAT one was added as its more useful than any of the other options would be in game. There is a suggestion open already for some of the other options to be added, but thus far all the information on them points to the fact they would be worse from a gameplay perspective than the current rocket warheads.

As always, if you have any further information on any of the other warheads that says otherwise, we would be happy to forward that onto the devs for their consideration. However it was fully intentional to add M247 as all data the developers have point to the conclusion its like any other warhead compatible with the Hydra-70 / FFA. The other warheads would be a gimmick at best with the current data on them.

Flame and Gunjob have already covered this, but just to also add in. We explored this further and as far as possible all evidence points to what they have already clarified. It was done for museum purposes only. There is no evidence of any Jaguar model (GR.1A included) carrying more than 2 missiles at a time. The overwing pylons took over the wiring from the underwing stations to free them up for additional ordinance.

over 2 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

We are working through all top rank aircraft (and eventually helicopters) prgressivly with each major update. Unfortunately I cannot provide spesific timeframes for what aircraft when, but there will be more and more reworked every update and of course, all new aircraft have it from the get go.

over 2 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Based on all the data we have on these warheads, the HEAT warhead showed far for usability in game for anti-tank role.

As I mentioned, if you have information on the contrary your welcome to post it and it can be reviewed. However that was the reason why HEAT was selected in the first place given what we know of the smaller claibre flechette darts (which the CCIP cannot also correctly account for on the GR.1, just the initial rocket launch).

The Jaguar has a plethora of loadouts capable of dealing with soft targets and bases. A suggestion has already been made for additional warhead types, but as we clarified earlier, all of the other types have far less in game usage and viability than the current warheads and other loadouts offer.

France has entirely different rockets which we have information on and are not compatible with the same HEAT warhead in the same way CVR-7s are. Data also shows in game that the CVR-7s have more success than the flechette rockets of the French Jaguar A.

It's not hard to add them, it's simply a low priority in the overall grand scheme of things to add something people wont use as much as the more useful warhead that was added for that very reason. As I mentioned, a suggestion has already been made for additional warhead types for the CVR-7s, but it's not a high priority to add worse loadouts when the Jaguar already has its best options. We do of course over time expand existing loadouts, but generally when they don't provide any advantage to the aircraft, these are not exactly considered important over the ones that do.

I believe you asked this not too long ago (either you or someone else) and I provided an answer. We don't have cluster munitions of this kind in game yet for any nation. We just recently added Napalm and will expand that over time and similarly, we will look to add new mention types over time. The spesifics of what, where and when I cannot confirm at this time.