over 2 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Lots of issues with the Mirage III and F.1 FMs were fixed this patch and last patch. I'm not sure what issues you are spesifcally reffering too that have not been, but sting "none of the bugs have been fixed" is just not true.

over 2 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Currently the evidence points to the fact it does not. As its missing part of the antenna array for the RWR to detect rear targets found on the Mirage IIIE. It has the front node, but no rear array.

But we welcome any reports with information specifically on the Milan.

over 2 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

If you have information that the Milan had any form of RWR and have evidence to support that, as I mentioned above, we welcome reports on that. Right now however, the evidence points to it not having one.