almost 4 years
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France has the Mirage IIIE this update, a better version in game terms of what was already one of the top fighter aircraft in game.
Later versions of the Jaguar will come in the future.
France has the Mirage IIIE this update, a better version in game terms of what was already one of the top fighter aircraft in game.
Later versions of the Jaguar will come in the future.
Its not, because the Mirage IIIC was already better than F-4C from the outset and competed really well with the F-4E from the get go and still does. IIIE is an even better C correcting all the current weaknesses of the C, so in game, it will be a toe-to-toe top competitor once again.
The British have multiple versions.
More missiles does not always mean better.
We have. Both the British and French Jaguars can receive upgrades over time and the British have other variants potentially to explore too.