over 3 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

During the ranks you are mentioning, France was occupied and unable to develop/produce many of their own domestic fighter projects. As such, from Ranks III-IV you can for sure expect to see lend-lease and other foreign nations designs present that will naturally be better. Whilst there are still some aircraft to add over these ranks, there really isn't any truly "French" fighters possible.

We cannot really invent French planes better than US ones in places where they did not exist. At higher ranks however its a different question entirely and there will be more and more domestic Fr

over 3 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Please double check:

There are indeed some aircraft to add, but none are really going to be better fighters at ranks III-IV than their American counterparts already in the French Tree.

We have more to come for domestic French. But the topic and question and hand was more about why are the American designed French aircaft superior to the French domestic ones at Ranks III-IV. Historically this is a known black hole for France due to the situation. Once you reach Rank V and certainly by VI-VII France begins to expand greatly with many Domestic designs.


over 3 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Repair costs have nothing to do with comparisons between X and Y plane. They are done specifically on the economics of that singular vehicle in question.

In the future, not necessarily this year, but wait and see. We are working on new French aircraft across the ranks.

over 3 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

The primary focus of the topic and question at hand was on Fighters. Not so much attackers. But to answer your questions:

The primary issue with most of these is a lack of information. Not necessarily applying to every single one. But consider full 360 degree images / photos / drawings including all markings are generally needed for the 3D model, including the interior for the c*ckpit and then sufficient documentation on all performance, characteristics and payloads.

Whilst we don't fully rule out the possibility of any of (if sufficient information can be located)